Latest release
Dec 3, 2021
New and Noteworthy
"Select all in system" option now available in the alert bulk selector to speed up mass alert triaging (docs)
CSV files, in addition to JSON, are now supported when generating or testing schemas in the UI (docs)
Upload and test sample data on Panther-managed schemas to ensure logs classify successfully prior to onboarding (docs)
Improved log source onboarding experience that revamps prior UI, clarifies options, and simplifies onboarding steps
Log drop-off alarms now support custom time intervals for more granular alerting when log sources become inactive
Bug Fixes
Custom schema name error: This fixes an error with custom schema names by supporting multiple dots
Panther Analysis Tool key value error: This fixes an error with filtering on "enabled" when using PAT
Timestamp format error: This fixes a timestamp format error in Snowflake database connections